Content marketing writer for truth-speaking entrepreneurs & solopreneurs

Get more YESes

from your digital content

Need content ideas for your blog, emails, or social media?

Feed your marketing beast! The content marketing machine is always hungry for content—which means you need a steady supply of content ideas. The Blog Post Inspiration Deck helps you find unique content ideas by tapping your passions, thoughts, work, and life. And that's just what the world needs—valuable, unique content that no one but you can create!

Listen in to the minds of your prospects...

"YES, I like what I'm seeing."

Want me to like what I see when I encounter your content? Then it should make a great first impression. Your color scheme makes sense. The graphics you choose fit the message. Your site and copy look inviting, and easy to digest. YES! I like what I'm seeing.

Paul Prospect

"YES, I like what I'm hearing."

Sally Shopper

I appreciate when your words flow well, and thoughts transition smoothly. Grammar errors don't trip me up. You make perfect sense. You speak to me, not at me, and don't hit me with unfamiliar jargon. Your differentiators and USP are clear. YES! I like what I'm hearing.

"YES, I like what I'm experiencing."

Your stuff ... links, forms, menus, downloads, cart ... it all works. You anticipated my questions and objections so I don't have to wonder, email, or call. Your contact information is easy to find. You care about my journey through your content, and it shows. YES! I like what I'm experiencing.

Patrick Purchaser

"YES, I want to take the next step."

Barbara Buyer

I like what I see, hear, and experience. I know what I'm getting. You provide evidence and social proof. The value exchange you're proposing feels right. You've made me feel comfortable about doing business with you. In fact, I don't want to do business with anyone else! YES, I want to take the next step.

Want more YESes? I can help.

The Blog Post Inspiration Deck and me

Pleased to meet you. I'm content marketing writer, editor, and mentor Renae Gregoire.

Are you an entrepreneur, thought leader, small business owner, or marketer serving educated, executive audiences?

Do you want to create a purposeful stream of copy that activates the know-like-trust factor and leads people to want to do business with you?    

Let's work together to: 

  • dig deep into the data,  
  • create copy that speaks to your ideal customers,
  • and test and validate that the copy is good.

Whether we're creating web content, ebooks, one-sheets, blog posts, success stories, email sequences, lead magnets, landing pages, or brochures ... whatever content will best represent YOU online ... we'll do so through the dual lens of data and conversion. The copy I'll create for you will educate prospects, answer their questions, overcome their objections, and provide evidence that YOU are uniquely positioned to bring about the transformations they seek. 

BUT ... cementing those conversions takes more than smooth words on the screen. It takes a smooth experience all around, from the moment a prospect first lays eyes on your brand to how they look for and find information, from how they judge your accessibility to how they click here, download there, and, finally, add to cart, request the demo, send the email, make the call.

If you work with me, you'll discover that's what I'm all about: creating smooth, converting copy experiences that lead more people to say YES to your offers.

Nice words from clients

( Awww ... blushing! )

Here’s what you need to know about Renae. She’ll quickly understand your market, audience, solution, and unique value proposition. She also has an amazing ability to adapt to markets and to write for specific audiences.



What a fabulous person to work with! If it’s the written word, Renae can help you— she’s done everything from  straightforward editing to taking our raw, unformed ideas and turning them into fabulous marketing content.


User Experience and Market Researcher

Renae’s exceptional work requires little revision and oozes with passion for the subject matter and writer’s craft. She’s gifted and highly productive, and a highly accountable person to serve as a virtual extension of your staff.


Director of Product Marketing

8,000+ Unique Ideas

Ideas for social, video, email, your blog!

Staying connected to your audience requires a steady stream of content: blog content, social content, email newsletter content, video content. The Blog Post Inspiration Deck sparks your creativity and inspiration with more than 8,000 unique content ideas -- enough to create a piece of content a day for the next 22 years!