Premium Site Review - The Write Idea

Premium Site Review

From "Maybe" to "How much is it, and when can you start?!?"

Is your website working as well as you’d hoped? Maybe:

  • You’re getting traffic, but people aren’t signing up or buying.
  • You’re unhappy with your web content and messaging, but aren’t sure what to do about it.
  • You know you need to make changes, but want to prioritize them.

That’s where my Premium Site Review service comes in.

Premium Site Review: How it works

Imagine how fabulous it would be if, by the time prospects contacted you, all they wanted to know was, “How much is it?” and “When can you start?” That’s the power of a usable, readable website–-one that considers your prospects from the first moment to the last.

When that happens, prospects come to your site and immediately begin nodding along with you, sensing that you “get” them, even within the first few moments. Then, as they scroll down and click around, their eyes continue to light up; they can’t stop nodding. They’re thinking, “Wow — this person really knows what they’re doing; I bet they could help!”

That’s the outcome my Premium Site Review service is designed generate. And to make it happen, I’ll give you a list of specific, prioritized actions you can take right away to improve your website in the eyes of your prospects. Here’s some of what I’ll consider as I review your website through the eyes, ears, and experiences of your ideal customer:​

  • First impressions: What's the first thing prospective customers think and feel when they land on your site?
  • Homepage messaging: Is it strong and meaningful? Does it make people want to scroll on -- or hit the back button?
  • Site architecture: Can your prospects find what they're looking for quickly? Or do they have to guess, or dig around?
  • Calls to action: Are they easy to find, strong, and compelling?
  • Funnel entry points: Are you using lead magnets? Do your offers compel people to act?
  • Graphics: Are they appropriate? Do they help or hinder? Do they support what you're trying to say?
  • Pace of content and offers: Do you clobber people with too big of an "ask" too soon?

As I review your site and note my recommendations, I’ll also prioritize so you know what changes you “must” make, changes you “should” make as you can, and changes that would be “nice” to make if and when you can.

The Premium Site Review service: What’s included

What you get

​The details

  • 30-minute kickoff call

Before I begin, I need to know whom your site is targeting, and what your goals for the site are. In this 30-minute call, either over the phone, by Skype, or through Hangouts, I'll pick your brain in preparation for the review.

  • Website review

With your ideal website visitor and your goals in mind, I'll evaluate your site, looking at elements like organization, flow, and images. Along the way, I'll take detailed notes, which I'll send to you in the form of recommendations.

  • 30-minute Q&A session

I don't want to just send you a list and say goodbye; I want to make sure my recommendations make sense and are helpful. To that end, we'll reconnect after the review so you can ask questions or get clarity around your next steps. My goal is to empower you so you're ready to make the changes you need to make to take your website to the next level!

  • Optional post-change review

Although not part of this package, you may also want me to review the website once more, after it's been through several rounds of changes. You'd be surprised at how many times I find small glitches and errors--the kinds of bumps and bruises that may cause prospects to look elsewhere. This post-change review service costs $250; I'll bill you for it separately once I'm through.

Have questions? Maybe I’ve already answered them in my brand booster Q&A.

No questions? If you're ready, read on to learn how to get started.

Turn your website into a YES-generating machine!

1.  Click the button below to use Paypal to purchase the Premium Site Review package for $799.

2.  After you pay, you'll be directed to a confirmation page with instructions for getting in touch so you can send me a link to the website that needs attention.

3.  Stay tuned; I'll respond to you within 24 business hours.

Don't want to pay by Paypal? Want to pay by check instead? Please let me know.