5 great albums for listening while you work - The Write Idea

5 great albums for listening while you work

By Renae Gregoire

I am the walrus....

As a professional who happens to be blessed to work out of a home office, I spend many hours each day in the solitude of my home.

And I like it.

I like it a lot.

That said, there are some days -- many days, actually -- when I long for beats and rhythms to keep me company.

Over the years, I've collected a list of favorites.

And in this post, I thought I'd share them with you.

Caveat: I can't listen to music with words when I'm working, as the words sometimes pull me in and cause my attention to shift. So the tunes I share here are instrumental. Some are slow. Some are mellow. Some are happenin'. Some pump me up.

Listen in. And enjoy!

Renae's go-to instrumental music for work

1. Down to the Bone, Celebrating 10 Years of Groove

Fun and funky! This album keeps me groovin' in my seat.

Great instrumental music for work

2. Lindsey Stirling

Rocking violin! Although the description says, "Celtic folk music and modern classical meet the infectious energy of dance and electronica."

Feisty music to energize you!

amazing instrumental music for work

3. Sol Luna Tierra by Johannes Linstead

Sweet flamenco guitar will have you thinking you're on a Caribbean beach sipping margaritas being served by a lovely lad named Nicolás. Ahhh, Johannes. Take me away!

terrific instrumental music for work

 4. Miracle Tone on Youtube

Calming, non-disruptive sounds and energy work ... while you work. If you like this one, there are many, many more like it, in all different frequencies. This one -- 432 Hz -- happens to be one of my favorites.

5. Les Fabulettes, vol. 2 : Chansons pour tous les temps, by Anne Sylvestre

This sweet children's album is NOT instrumental. But it is in French, so it's just like instrumental music to me since I don't speak French and therefore don't understand the words.

Is it instrumental music if you don't understand the language?

A little backstory on this one, in case you're interested.

I used to have penpals all over the world. And one of my penpals, Marie in France, sent this lovely CD to my children, who were at the time elementary-school aged. My kids loved it, leaving it on while cleaning, or just playing. It got so that they knew the words of some of their favorites. And I sure learned the tunes myself!

Then, about a year ago, my daughter (now 17), got an earworm of one of these old songs. We both searched and searched to try to remember what it was called. Even my eldest son got in on the search, sharing the words he remembered. 

Finally, I went to Amazon.com.fr, and looked for children's music. As I scrolled down the top results, I saw something familiar. Could that be it? I opened it up, previewed the first song, and ... YES! This was it. 

I purchased the album, and now my daughter and I can listen whenever we want. It brings both of us back to happy days when she -- and her brothers -- were young.

Amazingly, about a week after that happened, I got a friend request on Facebook from someone named Marie. I thought her name looked familiar ... and then it hit me! This was my old penpal Marie! The same one who sent the CD! We lost touch over the years because I stopped penpalling -- postage got expensive, and I got busy.

So happy endings all around. Annette (my daughter) found the cure for her earworm; I found another album to listen to while I work; and I reconnected with an old penpal.

Perhaps you'll enjoy the music more now, too.

P.S. This is post #6 in my 30 Day Blogging Challenge!

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About the Author

Hi! I'm Renae Gregoire, a digital conversion expert improving the performance of digital marketing content, including websites, landing pages, sales pages, online courses, blogs, and email sequences. If you're a coach, consultant, or other expert having trouble getting people to click, sign up, subscribe, or buy, I can help. My work typically involves a blend of strategy, design guidance, and wordsmithing, with a heavy focus on how your materials look, sound, feel, and function—all from your reader's perspective. Contact me to see how I might be able to help improve your conversions.