Insights on blogging - The Write Idea

Insights on blogging

By Renae Gregoire

Live from the farm....

Since I started the 30 Day Blog Post Challenge a week ago, I've realized a few things about blogging and want to share them with you. 

1. Regarding that blogging calendar.... A blogging calendar has turn out to be not very helpful to me during the Challenge. I find that the topics on my calendar are ... meh. They're not very exciting, and so I don't want to write about them. I do look at the calendar, which is on Trello, but more often that not, it's the cards I pulled from my Blog Post Inspiration Deck that inspire me on any given day. Some days though, like today, I'm just way too busy, and so I repurpose content I wrote elsewhere (like this post, which I originally posted in the Challenge as a note to my fellow participants).

My (unused) blog calendar on Trello

My (unused) Trello calendar for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge

2. Goodbye perfectionism! Despite my intention to create a stash of posts for the future, I am posting my blog posts NOW, as I write them. And this is turning out to be a GOOD thing, because otherwise they might sit in the graveyard of unfinished posts on my computer because, well, they're often not "good enough." Like -- I want to do MORE to them. More editing, more images, more elaborating. But if I hold off on publishing, chances are I may never publish at all. So ... THAT is how I'm getting around my perfectionism! Posting no matter what, even if I think I need to do "more" to the piece. So far, I haven't gone back to any of those posts. I just keep moving forward. Bye bye, perfectionism!

Just say no to perfectionism

Photo by Andy Tootell on Unsplash

3. Content galore! I also find that my blog is filling up with content, fast, and I'm PROUD of it! At this rate, my blog will be jam-packed by the end of this Challenge! And maybe that consistency will bring some new readers and traffic my way. And here's the thing, I can still, over time, trickle these new posts out to my email audience and to my social streams. So I'm filling up my blog with content that I will be able to reuse in other places later. Yippee ki yay!

Yipee ki yay!

Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

4. Hitting the bloggy lottery? Speaking of sharing in other places, I am also planning to share some of my Challenge blog posts in full on LinkedIn and Medium. If you don't have a blogging account on Medium, you might want to get one -- it's free. Medium is the place where blog posts go to be discovered. If a Medium editor likes your piece, it can quickly get out to a huge number of readers. Jackpot!

Getting your blog post discovered? Jackpot!

Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash

5. It's the images, baby! I also realize that I love finding images that support my posts almost as much as I do writing the posts! I think images add a LOT to the appeal of a post, so I tend to spend a lot of time doing stuff with images:

  • First I find them, usually on
  • If an image is the "featured image" for my post, I have to bring it over to Canva to get it into the right size to fit at the top of the blog post
  • I download the Canva'ed image to my computer, and then upload it to the blog
  • Once uploaded, I set the photo's ALT text, title, and description
  • One the image is inside my blog post, I resize if needed and give it a style so it looks a little dimensional

I hope I don't scare you off from using images in your blog! Working with images has become a habit to me by now, but it IS time consuming, especially since the backend of my WordPress site seems as slow as dial-up.

Or a turtle.

Why is my Internet so slow?

Photo by Nick Abrams on Unsplash

There you have it. Five insights from seven days' worth of blogging.

It's work, but I tell ya ... I'm lovin' every minute of it!

Blogging - lovin' every minute of it

P.S. This is post #7 in my 30 Day Blogging Challenge!

P.P.S. Curious? Join my tribe to learn more!

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About the Author

Hi! I'm Renae Gregoire, a digital conversion expert improving the performance of digital marketing content, including websites, landing pages, sales pages, online courses, blogs, and email sequences. If you're a coach, consultant, or other expert having trouble getting people to click, sign up, subscribe, or buy, I can help. My work typically involves a blend of strategy, design guidance, and wordsmithing, with a heavy focus on how your materials look, sound, feel, and function—all from your reader's perspective. Contact me to see how I might be able to help improve your conversions.