From "meh" content to "hell, yeah!" content
Imagine this scenario.
Jane, who just happens to match your ideal customer persona, is making her way through her Facebook news-feed when she sees your ad for a downloadable worksheet.
“Wow,” she thinks. “That might be helpful.”
So she clicks the “Learn more” or “Download” button, enters her name and email address, and then gets whisked to your “Thank you” page, which, hopefully, offers more free goodness and transfers more of that crucial “know, like, and trust” factor.
She reads the “Thank you” page, says "YES!" to more free goodness, and then heads to her inbox to see if the first free worksheet has arrived.
It has!
She reads the email that accompanies the worksheet, liking what she hears. You sound so real, so authentic. Then, Jane opens the worksheet. She's impressed. “Wow — this person really knows her stuff,” she thinks. “I bet she could help me.”
She sees your website address in the footer design, and heads to your site, where she reads your content, devours your blog, and, then, after spending another 30 minutes or more with “you” via your content, decides to send you a message. “Hi, there. I’ve just been reading about your services, and would like to talk about the possibility of us working together.”
Does your marketing content regularly generate new leads and sales for you?
What's that? Your content isn't working that well? Maybe you’ve:
- Published lots of blog posts.
- Created a army of lead magnets.
- Developed an email nurture sequence.
- Did what all the gurus said you should with your website content.
But people aren’t acting. They’re not clicking, downloading, signing up, buying.
That’s where my Marketing Content Review service comes in.
Marketing Content Review: How it works
Here's the thing: The type of scenario I just laid out? The one with Jane? It's entire possible -- make that probable! -- if your content is working correctly.
How do I know? My own content has been working like that for me since I started my freelance writing business back in 2002. And, since then, I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketers create content that does the same heavy lifting for them.
When you treat your content as if it’s your strongest salesperson, and when you present the right content to the right people at the right time, you'll get sign ups right then and there (if you offer that option), or emails and phone calls that lead with two primary questions: “How much is it?” and “When can you start?”
That’s what my Marketing Content Review service is designed to do. Its outcome: A list of specific actions you can take right away to improve your content in the eyes of your prospects.
Here’s some of what I’ll consider as I review your content through the eyes, ears, and experiences of your ideal customer:
- First impressions: What's the first thing prospective customers think and feel when they experience a piece of your content?
- Your messaging: Is it strong and meaningful? Does it make people want to read more -- or to hit the "X" or delete button?
- Message architecture: Can your prospects get at the information they need quickly, or do they have to guess or dig around?
- Calls to action: Are they strong, compelling, and easy to find?
- Content graphics: Are they appropriate? Do they help or hinder? Do they support what your content is trying to say?
- Pace of content and offers: Do you clobber people with too big an "ask" too soon?
As I review your site and note my recommendations, I’ll also prioritize so you know which changes you “must” make, which changes you “should” make at some point, and which changes would be “nice” to make if and when you can.
Marketing Content Review: What’s included
What you get | The specifics |
| Before I begin, I need to wrap my head around the scope of your content, and get a sense of whom it’s targeting, and what your goals for the various pieces are. In this 30-minute call, either over the phone, by Skype, or through Hangouts, I’ll pick your brain in preparation for the review. |
| With your ideal reader and your goals in mind, I’ll evaluate the agreed upon number of pages of content, looking at things like organization, flow, and images. Along the way, I’ll take detailed notes, which I’ll send to you in the form of a list of detailed recommendations. |
| I don’t want to just send you a list and say goodbye; I want to make sure that my recommendations make sense and are helpful. To that end, we’ll reconnect after the review so you can ask additional questions or get clarity around your next steps. My goal is to help you feel empowered and ready to make the changes you need to make to take your content to the next level! |
| Although not part of this package, you may also want me to look at one or two pieces of content once more, after they’ve been through several rounds of changes. You’d be surprised at how many times I find small glitches and errors–the kind of bumps that may cause bruises, which in turn cause prospects to lose trust in you and look elsewhere. This post-design review service costs $250; I’ll bill you separately for it once I’m through. |
Have questions? Maybe I’ve already answered them in my brand booster Q&A.
No questions? If you're ready, then here's how to get started.
Take your content to the next level; lead more people to YES!
The price of this package varies depending on how many pages of content you'd like me to review. Some clients want me to review all content; others want a review of just a few, key content assets. I also need to find out whether you'd like me to provide any "extras," such as messaging guidance, a website review, or a competitive content analysis.
To help me prepare a quote, the next step is to schedule a 30-minute Get Acquainted call. There's no obligation; the call is just so that we can discuss what you have in mind. Please choose a time that works for you on the calendar that follows.
P.S. If you run into problems with the calendar (technology, you know!), please email me so I can get it fixed--and you scheduled.