Dear blogger, in your posts I see your beauty, your brilliance, my calling
Although this post is part of my 30 Day Blogging Challenge, I'm not just bringing these words, sentences, and paragraphs into being to satisfy some requirement or complete a challenge I set for myself.
Yes, those two things are important, but the real reason why I'm pushing these words into the world is to explore my thoughts around how MY hunger to help and inspire YOU is tied tightly to YOUR quest to help and inspire YOUR readers.
The idea for this post came from a card draw using my in-production Blog Post Inspiration Deck.
When I looked at those words -- inspiration, something you're thankful for, and voracity (which is a strong hunger -- think voracious appetite) -- I immediately felt a blog post touching on all of those ideas bubbling up inside of me.
You see, as the Challenge has been progressing, I've been repeatedly touched and deeply inspired by you, the fierce souls who've chosen to tackle it with me. It takes a special someone to commit to blogging, especially when you lack confidence in your writing ability. Much respect to you! I'm a writer, and even I feel a little small in the face of this Challenge!
And although your commitment has touched me, what has touched and inspired me even more has been to read your blog posts, and to feel YOUR hunger to bring YOUR messages to the world in bigger ways.
And -- Mama Mia! -- I now see that in witnessing your hunger, coupled with my work on your posts in this Challenge, I may have found my true calling!
You see, you have not only shared your words and wisdom in the group; you've also allowed me to insert myself into your words, to shape your message and content, to gently tweak and refine it so that it draws readers in and guides them on a path to saying YES to whatever the next step with you might be.
I am LOVING this work, way, way, WAY more than I do the work of writing web content or the content for a brochure. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy that work. But it doesn't feed my soul in the way that helping you gain your confidence does. Being a "freelance writer" doesn't feed me in the same way that helping you bring forth the beauty and wisdom in your heartfelt, sometimes hesitant, writing does.
And you know what? I am just realizing this now, as I write: Bringing forth brilliance and beauty is something I do in my life everyday, naturally. I've been doing it for years! I always look for the best in people, and I let them know when I see it. If I have influence in lives, as I do with my husband and children, then I forever nudge them forth in ways that help them be their best selves.
It is such a thrill to discover that I am doing the same work now, with you in the Challenge! I am seeing the best and most brilliant in you and your work and, as I do, I am able to edit and gently nudge you forward to grow your influence and confidence!
I am ... inspired ... humbled ... thankful.
And I am hungry, so hungry, to give this same gift of confidence and clarity to many, many, others in the days to come.
P.S. This is post #3 in my 30 Day Blogging Challenge!
P.P.S. Curious? Join my tribe to learn more!
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Do you sweat the small stuff? Do you want your online presence to inspire trust and confidence? Do you grit your teeth when others don't care enough about YOUR web experience? Are you all about creating an excellent website and excellent content that makes it easy for people to get to know, like, and trust you and buy your stuff?
I think we might be soul mates. And I'd love for you to join my tribe.
When you do, I'll alert you to new blog posts, new programs and products, and new ways for you to create excellent, frictionless, online experiences that lead more people to YES! I promise to be relevant and real, and to send only thoughtful content and advice.
Thoughtful content. Real-world advice. Enter your details to get the next issue when it's ready.