For the love of your blog, please don't give readers a headache like this one
A few minutes ago an email came in from a services marketing company I follow. It promised a "Top 10 Home Office Gifts" guide. Being a home office professional, I could not resist, as I still need to find a few more treats for my husband, who also works from our home office.
After interacting with the web page for a few seconds, I thought, "Marketing lemon!" and knew I'd have to blog about the experience. But thinking about blogging, imagining the post I'd have to create to explain the issue, left me a wee bit daunted.
Then I saw my Yeti microphone sitting here on my desk. And I thought, "Hey, what if I video blogged about it?"
And that's what I did.
The result is my first-ever video blog post. It has a few more ums and uhs in there than I'd like, and my Philly upbringing is obvious--you'll hear me say pixture instead of picture--but that's the rawness of video. I liked the experience (so fast!), so I'll be creating more video blogs for sure.
Now to the headache--and how to avoid it for your readers.
Like what you hear? Want to see more video blogs?
Drop me a comment at the end of this post.
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