Know like trust: 5 ways to add it to your website & content

Know Like Trust: 5 Ways to Lead People to YES

By Renae Gregoire

Free, no-email-required guide on know, like, and trust

You've probably heard at least one expert say that people buy from people and companies they know, like, and trust.

Trouble is ... that's where the guidance stops.

It's like: "Know, like, and trust. You need it, so go do it! Get to it!"

But HOW?

What does it *really* mean to "know, like, and trust" someone?

And, more important, how in the world do you make "know, like, and trust" happen on your website? In your course? In your content?

Making "know, like, trust" happen for you -- that's what this free ebook is about.

No need to enter your email. Just click the image below to grab it.

Know like trust Website Essentials: 5 ways to lead more people to YES



About the Author

Hi! I'm Renae Gregoire, a digital conversion expert improving the performance of digital marketing content, including websites, landing pages, sales pages, online courses, blogs, and email sequences. If you're a coach, consultant, or other expert having trouble getting people to click, sign up, subscribe, or buy, I can help. My work typically involves a blend of strategy, design guidance, and wordsmithing, with a heavy focus on how your materials look, sound, feel, and function—all from your reader's perspective. Contact me to see how I might be able to help improve your conversions.