Marketing lemon on a form: An illustration of just how easy it is to lose people online
This morning, a marketing lemon on an online form almost stopped me from becoming a registered customer at Stein Mart.
There I was, purchasing Tea Tree Oil Foot Repair Balm on the Stein Mart website because prices were too high over at Amazon. I added the product to my cart, shopped around on the Stein Mart site for a bit to see if I could buy $47.34-more worth of product to get free shipping (I couldn't), and then completed checkout using Paypal.
So far so good.
On the order confirmation page, Stein Mart asked if I'd like to set up an account. Thinking that I may have to return to Stein Mart to order more of my beloved Tea Tree Oil, I said, "Eh, why not?"
Being an experienced online shopper, I didn't bother to read the text above the form; I knew what I was getting into and why.
Email address? Done. Tab.
But then the next line ALSO asked me for my email address.
Okay, whatever you say, Stein Mart.
Tab to the password field; enter password.
And then get an error, saying the passwords I entered did not match.
Huh? I only entered my password once.
Here's the screen I saw, with my notes on my puzzlement.
Can you see what happened?
Notice the form-field description text "Email address" with a lock icon next to it? They don't really want an email address there; they're looking for the FIRST instance of a password.
This I know because the form-field description text for the password field says, "Re-enter password."
Which assumes I had entered it once already.
Which I hadn't.
But then I did, and entered it twice, no matter how strange it felt--even after I understood what was going on.
Stein Mart, how many of your shoppers are experienced, like me, and interested enough in the error to try to puzzle it out, and do the work needed to get registered?
I dare say, if that answer is not "ALL OF THEM," then you've got a problem.
How to turn this blunder into sweet lemonade
Marketers, the lesson for you is to have someone proof your forms and form processes. Hire an eagle-eyed marketing person like me to work through your system to smooth out the bumps so your customers won't stumble.
Customers will get through the process without bruises or grumbles. I'll get a new client (you!). And you'll get more registered folks.
Win win win!
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