3 ways to use writing to share your gifts with the world - The Write Idea

3 ways to use writing to share your gifts with the world

By Renae Gregoire

You're a solopreneur. Now what? 

I love being a solopreneur. 

I love peeling back, refining, and communicating deeper and deeper layers of talent, all with the glorious goal of serving my ideal clients and in some ways changing the world.

Yeah, that's lofty. But it's also true.

If you're a solopreneur, then your goal might be something similar. 

You hold a passion, a talent, a gift, a skill, and then set about offering it to others

Accountants, coaches, virtual assistants, graphic designers, writers, therapists, healers, dragon slayers, all.

We're all out here, carving out our own unique niches on the web, places where we can help others and bring positive change to the world while earning cash and creating the lives we desire.

And one of the main ways to do that is through writing.

Yes, video is big. I highly recommend it. 

But video is no substitute for writing.

Here are three ways you can -- and should -- use writing to grow your business.

Three ways to use writing to grow your business

1. Write content for your website

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

If I'm looking at YOUR particular product or service, I guarantee you I'll be wanting to visit your website so I can learn more about you and decide whether I like what I see and hear. 

  • Do you seem to "get" me?
  • Do you understand what I'm looking for?
  • Are you friendly? Knowledgeable? Professional?
  • Can I find your email address or phone number on your site?
  • Do you offer me ways to learn about you and ask questions?

Your job is to provide all of those things by writing clear, concise, and compelling website content.

2. Write blog posts

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

While I'm on your website, I might go for a deeper dive by exploring your blog.

  • What topics do you seem knowledgeable about?
  • What is your command of the issues?
  • Do you seem empathic? Or are you a hardass?
  • Do we have anything in common?
  • Will I like working with you?

Your prospects will use your blog to discover these things and more about you.

3. Write to the people on your email list

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

If I like what I see and hear on your website, I may join your email list so I can learn even more about you before I'm ready to buy.

  • Do you send consistently?
  • Do you share useful content? Or is it all sales spiels?
  • Are your messages well crafted? Have you cared enough to edit?
  • Should I take the next step?

In my business, I've committed to sending content to the people on my list twice a week. On Tuesday I send the full text of a blog post; on Thursday I send a letter -- similar to a blog post but not published anywhere else.

I find that my list is more popular than my blog; people are more likely to respond to me by hitting reply on an email than adding a comment to the blog. 

Do you have the confidence you need to tell the world about your gifts through writing? If not, this blog post on the topic of writing confidence may help.

And if you like what you've seen and heard here, then I invite you to join my tribe if you're not a member already.

Join my tribe?

Do you sweat the small stuff? Do you want your online presence to inspire trust and confidence? Do you grit your teeth when others don't care enough about YOUR web experience? Are you all about creating an excellent website and excellent content that makes it easy for people to get to know, like, and trust you and buy your stuff?

I think we might be soul mates. And I'd love for you to join my tribe.

When you do, I'll alert you to new blog posts, new programs and products, and new ways for you to create excellent, frictionless, online experiences that lead more people to YES! I promise to be relevant and real, and to send only thoughtful content and advice.


Thoughtful content. Real-world advice. Enter your details to get the next issue when it's ready.


About the Author

Hi! I'm Renae Gregoire, a digital conversion expert improving the performance of digital marketing content, including websites, landing pages, sales pages, online courses, blogs, and email sequences. If you're a coach, consultant, or other expert having trouble getting people to click, sign up, subscribe, or buy, I can help. My work typically involves a blend of strategy, design guidance, and wordsmithing, with a heavy focus on how your materials look, sound, feel, and function—all from your reader's perspective. Contact me to see how I might be able to help improve your conversions.